I am a bit behind on things, but the American Coach Chapter of FMCA had another great rally at the 108th International Convention in Tucson, AZ.

The FMCA parking team set us up with a great parking area, with a large gathering area for us to fellowship for the week.  The ACC has become well known around the international conventions as the group who loves to be together and eat really well.   We had a large group of First Timers with us, Julie Pickle and Leroy Wilkes Jr, Pamela and Richard Tappert, Andy and Debbie Ellzey, Solomon and Lily Appavu, Laurie and Mike Leggio, Jay and Cheryl Blevins, Susan Reed and Michael Mayfield, Chris and Debbi Carroll, and Micheal and Maria Richards.  We also had a great group of returning members, David Hillemann, Ron Brothers and Diane Defore, Gwen and Stephen Sherwood, Harry and Sandy Hentchel, Joe and Carol Adams, Charlie and Darla Chase, and the Miskell Family.

Highlights of the week were our taco bar kickoff, smoked pork butts, corned beef and cabbage, and our Friday night Fish Fry.  On Tuesday morning, we held our annual meeting and elections.   The meeting minutes will be posted to the website for review.  One of the items that unanimously passed was the ACC making a $500 donation to the FMCA Convention charity as long was the bank balance remains above $15,000.  Our newly elected officers are as follows:

President: Chris Miskell

Vice President: Charlie Chase

Secretary: Charlsanne Miskell

Treasurer: Richard Blade

National Director: David Hillemann

Western Region Director: Denise Hillemann

Central Region Director: Vicky Jones

Eastern Region Director: Larry Hornsby

We did not elect an officer for the Alternate National Director role as it became an optional position.

We would like to give a huge thank you to Shirley Talley our outgoing Secretary.  We will hold our next elections at our business meeting during the Spring Convention in 2026.

Charlie Chase organized a fun golf outing where David Hillemann, Charlie Chase, Chris Miskell, and Maci Miskell played a fun round of 18 holes.  It was the first time Maci had ever golfed, and she had a great time.  If you are ever interested in playing at a rally, we have a lot of fun, and welcome all skill levels to join.

These rallies are a team effort, and they wouldn’t be the success they are without everyone jumping in to help.  We want to give a huge thank you to everyone how jumped in to help  setup, cook, and clean up. 

 The ACC has been a great partner with the FMCA Family and Youth Activities Committee in helping organize the ladder ball tournament, and the Kids vs. Adults kickball game.  The kickball game was a lot of fun with friendly competition and good old trash talking.  The Adults once again had to invoke to mercy rule so we would not embarrass the kids too much.  The kids made a great comeback in the last inning to end the game in a tie.  This ended the adults winning streak at 4.

We wrapped up the week with the golf cart parade and chapter fest.  This was first introduced in Gillette, and has become a great way to end the International Conventions.

We also want to give a big thank you to the American Coach Rally Service team.  They once again assisted with repairs, and we always enjoy when they spend time with the chapter.

The 109th FMCA International Convention will take us to Redmond, Oregon August 14-17, 2024.  We have not organized a pre-rally for Redmond due to the anticipated small attendance.  If you are going to attend, and would like to host a small rally, happy hour, or small gathering, please let me know.

Our next major ACC rally will be in Perry, Georgia at the 110th FMCA International Convention.  We will plan on doing our Pre-Rally on site with either a Sunday or Monday entry.  We will once again sign up for 30 or 50 amp full hook up sites.

Chris Miskell
ACC President